Friday, February 25, 2022

It's all coming together

Big and exciting news guys, we have officially decided the plot for our film opening!! Ok.. ok don't everyone clap at once! My partner and I have decided upon doing our idea about a coming of age film about a deaf character. We are both currently learning ASL and are very interested in the language. We have also seen how there is very little representation for the deaf community in movies, and if they are in movies, they are always just side characters. 

Most times when deaf characters are in shows, their only personality trait is that they are deaf. In our film opening we want to develop the character's personality and interests to show that deaf people are just like everyone else. Our idea for the film is about a deaf child born into a hearing family. Their whole life, they have been babied by their parents trying to protect them while they see their hearing sibling live the normal teenage life with no restraints. Our main character then meets a new student at school who is also deaf and is from a place with a large deaf community. The main character starts hanging out with this person more and turns into more of a rebellious child to combat all of the years that they were told they couldn't do anything. 

In our opening, we want to obviously establish that our character is deaf through audio techniques and through the use of ASL. We also want to establish that the older sibling is allowed to do basically whatever they want while the deaf sibling is constantly told that they can't do things. The main character will get into an argument with their parents and storm out of the house while some rock music plays. This is also where we are thinking about placing the title. After the title, we will continue the scene with an awkward car ride with the older sibling to school to show more of their relationship. 

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This is it guys! We have officially reached the end of the project! With no further ado, here is my film opening "Birdcage". Hope ...