Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Time to start editing

We have officially finished filming, which means that we must switch our gears and start the editing process. This week is spring break so there is not a lot of free time for us, but we planned for this at the very beginning of our project. Editing will start either today or tomorrow. Not sure when because there were some issues with importing the clips from Sofie's camera onto her computer due to lack of storage. However, she cleared things off of her computer to make room for the clips so she was finally able to import everything that is needed. This is a very lengthy process so it took almost the whole morning to complete, but now all the clips and audio files are imported so it is time to start editing!

Sofie and I both took film classes in middle school and we were taught how to edit on Adobe Premiere Pro. Sofie has also learned special effects editing on Adobe After Effects since our time in middle school. Sofie already has all of the necessary apps downloaded on her computer (and is a better editor, I'm not afraid to say it), she will be the main editor while I will help to make any important decisions and offer any help or support that she needs. Our specific project doesn't require many visual or motion effects so we will primarily use Adobe Premiere Pro and since it is a program we have both used in the past, I can also help with editing. This program is also great for coloring and audio effects, which are necessary for our opening. 

Adobe Premiere Pro, which will be our
main editing program

An example of editing on Adobe Premiere

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This is it guys! We have officially reached the end of the project! With no further ado, here is my film opening "Birdcage". Hope ...